Practical workshops involving foreign lecturers of the Supreme Audit Institution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Republican State-run Enterprise «Centre for Financial Violations Research» carries out on continuing basis work on an international cooperation. E.g. "the Quality control audit" and "Plan of control measures using a risk management system" two workshops were conducted starting from September 15 to September 19, 2015 with participation of two state auditors of the Court of Audit of Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The workshops aim has been a familiarization with a methodology of exercising the control over a quality of audit ensuring and control activities planning with the RMS application according to the International standards of SAI (ISSAI), approved by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), discussion of actual methods of their application at the Court of Audit of the Kingdom of Netherlands and acquisition of skills on the themes of workshops by listeners.

The workshops' theoretical part was supported with a practical training during which colleagues from the Netherlands Court of Audit have shared an experience on exercising the control over a quality of audit ensuring and control activities planning with the RMS application.

The Court of Audit is the Supreme Audit Institution of the Netherlands. It has been established in 1814. The Court of Audit Board., headed by the President of Court of Audit, consists of three members appointed for life by the Royal Decree on the proposal of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands.